To them, any games newer than their favorite are dumbed down to appeal to casual gamers while using shiny graphics to cover up the lack of depth in the world/story. As such, this leads to serious Broken Base issues and claims of Contested Sequels.
As Bethesda has a tendency to rebuild each installment in the series from the ground up, fans of the series tend to judge each new game (as well as earlier installments) against whichever game they were introduced to the series with, sort of their own personal version of First Installment Wins. getting into the series as a late-comer can be quite the challenge. Archive Panic: Five main series games, five spin-offs, two novels, countless more in-game books, dozens of developer-written supplementary items. Archive Binge: Reading the series many, many in-game books is a popular pastime for players and can take hours. In Skyrim, the effect applies to everything other than physical attacks, fall damage, and drowning. Annoying Video-Game Helper: The Spell Absorption effect in Oblivion and Skyrim has an odd habit of absorbing spells that would logically help you more, such as causing your summoning spells to fail, or causing the divine blessing you prayed for to be converted into Magicka, which is pretty easy to regain in these games.